Navigating the Basics of Freshdesk

Once you have activated your account, you will automatically be taken to your home page. To log in to our FreshDesk system any time after that, simply go to, and enter the login credentials you created upon receiving your activation link. 




 Once you have logged in, you will be taken to your home page screen. 


From here, you can access our Knowledge Base, your list of existing tickets, or the form to submit a ticket*. The “SUBMIT A TICKET” button at the top right will be there even when you navigate away from this page, giving you the ability to create a ticket even when you’re not on your home page.

*For information on how to create a ticket see this article.


When you enter your Tickets List, it will look like this: 

You will be able to see the basic information for each ticket, and the status of each ticket. When you click on the title of the ticket, you will be taken to a page where you can see all notes or replies, as well as the information that is specific to the ticket. 


On the left, you can see the information for the ticket, and the specific details are on the right. 


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